So why is everyone so juiced up about prison fitness? What is prison fitness? And why is it so effective? Prison fitness seems to be a real interest to a lot of men and the reason is the so called level of fitness these prisoners achieve behind bars.

Do these prisoners have some type of secret? Do they have some type prison fitness coach? So why do these prisoners get this reputation as being super human?

What tricks do they have? To the average man the prisoner level of fitness is legendary, but what makes the prisoner fitness different then other training programs?

So what secrets do these criminals have? How many super conditioned prisoners are educated in the book sense? Do you think there are certified strength coaches in prison? Do you think most prisoners were long time fitness trainers who got a bad break?

Do you think most prisoners that were murders, drug dealers, sex offenders, drunk drivers, men that are in jail for any violent crime were going to the gym on the outside? It’s a well know fact that men that live life drinking and doing drugs are health conscious, not to mention fit ( a joke ).

If these men enter prison having abused their bodies through booze and drugs most of their lives what makes so many think that these men go to prison and become super fit, what gives them the key to the fitness kingdom?

Do these men stop being criminals and become super athletes? No, most become and stay violent criminals and most criminals are weak minded cowards that could not live in today’s society without stealing, robbing, running in gangs and trying to hurt weaker victims.

The only difference these men have is time; they have nothing else to do. The men that get really physically fit spend more time at it than most other people; you don’t go into prison 130lb weakling and become a 200lb super criminal in a month.

If you spend all your days in a small prison cell, what could you do with no job and nothing but time? You may here of a few prisoners that are super strong and super fit but the reality it’s a very small percentage.

Super fitness is not for the weak minded it takes time and a lot of sweat to get to a super level of fitness whether you are in prison or on the outside, there is no difference and no secret training program building a super race of super prisoners.

So if prisoners are doing the basics of pushups, pull-ups, situps, squats, leg raises, handstand pushups, prisoner squat thrusts what’s the secret to the so called super level of fitness? It’s the time put in, it’s doing the exercises hundreds and thousands of times over many, many years building a hardening of the mind and body.

Most prisoners are not in shape, most are still out of shape and will never be in shape because just like in the street they were lazy in prison they are lazy.

Over years and hundreds of thousands of reps is what builds an extremely strong body, not the 3 days on one day off type of training or the split training it’s the everyday training that makes the difference in real physical fitness and strength.

So, instead of thinking the prisoners have some secret training method and secret training coach just know it’s the time put in on an everyday basis and training for survival that makes the difference.

Here’s a workout you can do in small place with no equipment and using only two exercises.

Do 25 Prisoner Squat Thrusts – 25 4- Point Jump Squats ( legs a little wider, squat down touch the ground with your finger tips and jump 2 to 3 inches off the ground)

Switch back and forth as long as you can, do as fast as possible try and keep the time for each round under 1 minute and 15 seconds meaning 25 Prisoner Squat Thrusts and 25 4- Point Jump Squats should take no longer than 1 minute and 15 seconds to complete and go as long as you can, if you can go for 5 minutes with no rest that’s great.

This will be to brutal for most people but see where you are and how long you will go most will have trouble with 2 minutes.

Toughness Builds Winners.

Source by Johnny Grube

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