At the sound of the word diet, most people are ready to start running for the hills. The word seems to implicate restriction, starvation, pain, tasteless food, etc, and every other negative emotion. This type of diet does not work in the long run. It is only a temporary fix for a long term problem. The best weight loss diets are totally opposite. They allow you to simply make better choices to some of the foods you already like.
Some of the best weight loss diets especially if you are battling belly fat, require simply making some simple changes to what you eat. These are not drastic changes that are doomed to fail. Blast away your belly and start to reshape your body for life by making some of the following changes.
1. Peanut Butter
There are good fats and bad fats and unfortunately, most people think that all fats are bad and try to eliminate them in their absence from their diets. This is the equivalent of throwing the baby out with the bathwater since there are good fats that are necessary for the body. These good fats are a feature of the best weight loss diets as they help the body function better.
The bad fats that should be eliminated or reduced are trans fats (eliminate) and saturated fats (reduce). The good fats that are necessary for weight loss and to shape a better body are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) which are belly busting.
These good fats are found in many foods such as fish, grains, oils such as olive oil and canola oil, etc. One of the tastiest and easiest ways for you to add or increase your intake of good fats is with peanut butter which everyone loves without you have an allergy to nuts.
Peanut butter is an important feature of the best weight loss diets because it contains MUFAs which will help you reduce your girth in addition to containing 2 grams and 8 grams of fiber and protein respectively serving which are necessary to maintain optimum health.
2. Water
8 to 10 eight ounce glasses of water a day are important for flushing out the system and getting rid of bloating that the body may be holding onto when it is hot. Bloating makes your stomach look bigger than it should be so remaining properly hydrated is a great way to eliminate this issue.
3. Seafood
As indicated in 1. above, certain fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc, contain good fats that will help you blast away your belly. They contain omega 3 and omega 9 fatty acids that are necessary for the health of the body and also help with weight loss. The best weight loss diets contain fish especially salmon which contains these fatty acids in larger amounts than other types of fish.
4. Fiber
Fiber is probably one of the most important features of the best weight loss diets. Fiber makes the body work harder when compared to processed foods do not contain healthful fiber. By working harder due to fiber, your metabolism is increased which will help you burn more calories and fat.
For belly blasting purposes, if you eat about 10 grams of fiber, it will translate into your belly carrying less fat up to 4% which is great news. There are many options for fiber than you can imagine so if you do not like one particular type of fiber rich food, you can always reach for another eg apples, pinto beans or kidney beans, broccoli, artichoke, etc.
5. Put That Glass Down
They do not call it beer gut for nothing. Alcohol usually increases cortisol levels that in turn sends fat straight to the belly. The best weight loss diets seek to eliminate or at least reduce the intake of alcohol.