Gout is caused by high uric acid in the body which produces urate crystals in the joints. So gout sufferers need to lower their uric acid levels. There are many natural ways to do this, but here, I'm going to discuss the use of dietary food supplements.

One of the first things that a gout victim is encouraged to do is to change to a low purine diet which generally speaking, means avoiding foods high in protein. eg, red meat (particularly organ meat), poultry, fish, and shellfish.

Although this is effective in helping to combat gout, the new diet period is invariably deficient in several important vitamins, minerals and nutrients, etc.

However, a sensible intake of dietary supplements can make up this shortfall and so help to maintain good overall health. This is important because poor health and a poor immune system will actually make the gout condition worse.

In addition, studies have found that some supplements can affect directly on the condition itself by being able to reduce uric acid in the body, as well as helping to reduce the pain and inflammation of an attack.

So supplementation, when applied correctly according to the individual's specific needs, can be a powerful weapon against gout as well as a means of maintaining good health.

[NB Consult your doctor before using any dietary supplements.]

Lowering Uric Acid in the Body with Diet Food Supplements

Here are 7 supplements to help reduce uric acid in the body and maintain overall good health: –

1. Vitamin B Complex

Sufficient B vitamins, specifically B5, are required to help the body excrete uric acid. Gout often follows a period of high stress and stress is a common cause of low vitamin B. This is why gout patients are often deficient in the B vitamins.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been shown to greatly reduce uric acid levels in the body. It's also great for combating stress, which many gout victims suffer from. Since stress can contribute to the condition as described above this is an important vitamin in the fight against gout.

3. Vitamin E

Low purine diets are particularly deficient in this vitamin. So, when on such a diet, the gout sufferer will need to make up for that deficiency through supplementation.

4. Fish Oil (eg Cod Liver Oil)

Research has shown that joint inflammation and even some cartilage damage can be reduced through the use of fish oil.

5. Tissue Salts (eg Silica)

These can help prevent urate crystals forming in the joints.

6. L-Glutathione

L-Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and helps the renal system excrete acid out of the body thereby reducing uric acid levels.

7. Glucosamine

Some fairly recent studies have shown that Glucosamine can rehabilitate cartilage and reduce inflammation and pain.

You can see that diet supplementation is an important element in lowering uric acid and beating gout. But it's only one element. Others, such as diet and lifestyle changes, have to be included too.

Source by John Cielo

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