In the recent past, fitness rule and girls are two topics that do not seem to get along at all. Recent surveys have shown that girls tend to turn their backs on fitness programs and theseby invite a lot of health hazards. Several surveys have been conducted in this regard and they all seem to point to the above given statement. Parents however, fail to realize this until their daughters embark on the threshold of discrimination. It is at this point that her fitness seems to make a difference.

Keeping oneself fit and fine is a life time endeavor and to get going with this project will mean that the person will have to start working on it from childhood itself. It should not seem like something new that is introduced at a certain stage in your daughter's life. Rather she should be used to the fitness period from a very tender age. It is all a matter of how she is brought up.

It is a universally accepted fact that boys are more sports oriented as compared to girls and that girls lose their interest in such activities after attaining puberty. Girls are then associated with feminist tasks like cooking and less physique intensive tasks, there by making them lose their interest in fitness oriented programs.

Judy Notay, an eminent consultant on fitness education said that girls often tend to lose their enthusiasm in sports and other fitness activities after reaching an age of 12 or 13. There is a relative disinterest in team events as well.


The only logical solution to keep your daughters interested in fitness programs is to enroll them in schools that are able to design fitness programs that cater to your daughters' tastes. These fitness regimes should not seem as a burden to the students and on the other hand, should be interesting and attention captivating. Role modeling can be an answer to these demands.


According to the understanding of Rick Bella, Physical Education professor in University of Victoria, the disinterest in girl students for fitness programs only reflect the situation that exists in their respective schools. In his opinion, modern education curriculum has not been designed according to the needs and interests of the students. Moreover, it is being imposed on these pupils to a very large extant. Dancing is the only logical solution that has been realized so far.
Nowadays, a large number of schools and institutions offer training in a large variety of dance forms ranging from jazz to modern or even classical.

Outdoor activities and even aerobics can be attentive captivating to a few and they also serve as major fitness programs. These programs keep the girls active to a large extent.


Even though boys are said to have an upper hand in physical activities, girls are said to be very skillful. That Notay feels that the parents should search for fitness programs that are exclusive for girls. This will help in developing the in born skills in each and every girl. The leader of the program should be well aware of the basic needs of girls according to different age levels and should manage their programs in an effective manner.

All these instructions may be giving a headache to parents who have girl children. Do not worry! The very fact that you have realized the importance of fitness programs for your girl child is a blessing. Physical fitness keeps your children healthy, fine and high spirited. It helps them to deal with stress and enable them to deal with everyday affairs with a wide smile. Physical fitness programs are also platforms for your daughters to interact with other girls thereby boosting their social advancement as well.

Source by Abhishek Agarwal

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