In addition to the exercises you perform, you also need a reliable diet to lose tummy fat. Without diet control, all your efforts to burn off tummy fat will fail. You spend hours at the gym, tiring endlessly, without any results to show off. The one thing you lack will be diet control. The effortless way to lose burn tummy fat is to count calories. Here are a few tips you can implement from day one.

Drink Lot of Water

Taking optimum quantities of water every day will manage your appetite. Take two glasses of water at least an hour before your meals. This will prepare your digestive system. However, do not drink too much water with meals. If you do, it will dilute the digestive juices. It will be difficult for your body to digest the food you eat.

Eat Variety of Fruits & Vegetables

Salads, juices, etc are also good. Eat variety of fruits and vegetables. This way, your body will get all the essential nutrients, minerals, etc. In addition, fruits have edible fibers. These fibers are helpful in normal digestion and elimination. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is a way to burn off tummy fat. Eat strawberry, apple, avocado, pineapple, etc. It may not be possible to eat every fruit item in a day. You can eat them over a week or two.

Do not Eat Refined Flours

Refined flours do not have any nutrients or dietary fibers. They are empty calories. Most fast food items are prepared from refined flours, also known as white flour. Food prepared from refined flour is difficult for the body to digest. It also does not supply essential minerals or nutrients.

It is that a good idea to substituted refined flours with wholegrain flours. Wholegrain flours do have high content of digestive fibers. They are easy to digest. While planning diet to lose tummy fat, this is an important part.

Cook Your Food

You may probably think you are too busy to cook. However, if you find time to do your cooking, you can cut unwanted fat and harmful substances going into your body. You have absolute control over the ingredients you pick. If you cook your food, you can adopt a diet to lose tummy fat and to keep it away.

Those are healthy tips to plan your diet to burn tummy fat and to keep your body trim and fit. You can implement these tips and know the joys of healthy living. However, diet is only part of the solution. The other part is exercises. Exercise daily and you will never have to worry about being overweight or having a fat belly.

Source by David Hayford

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