Just about everyone who has ever tried to seriously lose weight has, at one time or another, gone looking for that magic diet pill – and there are many variations out there! But be careful – this is a very tempting illusion!

Let's start with the harmless … There are many studies and books out there that tell us all about the power of our minds – and weight loss is no less affected by what we think than anything else around us. So when you firmly believe that you have bought a quality, effective product from a reputable source that can not fail – and you will lose weight! Of course you will – your mind will convince your body that you are not hungry, that you have more energy – all the things that the commercial promised.

Here's the problem – that magic diet pill could be absolutely anything – from sugar to chalk – and it would work just as well. The thing making you lose weight is all between your ears! So one day you will start to question if and how it actually works – and then it will not any more – at best another setback in your weight loss journey and, at worst, an expensive set back.

Now the "not so harmless" – some of these pills achieve their results by forcing your body to lose water. This is a GREAT way to lose inches and pounds quickly – unfortunately, it lasts just long enough for you to order the next 90 day supply. There is a limit to how much water your body can lose – then it goes into survival mode and actually starts retaining more water than ever and, of course, this magic diet pill has not done anything about the fat that you actually wanted to lose!

Finally the middle of the road magic diet pill … These are those that maybe do something, maybe do not! Typically, they have a substantial amount of caffeine in them – which is a natural appetite suppressant and also boosts your metabolism. Then a few strange sounding herbs and a funny taste and, for some people, some of the tablets will make a difference. The problem here is that usually you become accustomed to the effects and either end up taking a lot more for the same result or simply hitting plateau where you dare not stop taking them for fear you will put all the weight back on!

So – bad news is – there IS no magic diet pill out there. The good news is that you do not need one! All you need are some simple tweaks in lifestyle and exercise and you will lose that weight safely and permanently.

Source by Gary J Bailey

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